Yesterday, this whole election really, was brutal.
My candidate did not win.
The winners have made walking back protections on families like mine
part of their campaign promises,
and given the VP Elect's record in Indiana I have to believe that
they will work to accomplish those promises.
So today, I needed a reminder that those communities
(Women, LGBT+, People of Color, Muslims,
Latinos, the Disabled, the Media, etc.)
that the President Elect has spent the last 18 months
ridiculing and denigrating have pulled together before.
And we will do it again.
The movement is hurting and tired,
but our momentum to make the world kinder, more inclusive
and less fearful has not been lost.
My daughters were watching this today,
and I realized just how much I needed to see a diverse group
(even one as nonsensical as multi color anthro ponies)
support one another, lift each other up and rally together to make things better.
We are stronger together.
We will make it through this.
We will protect each other.
We will not let our momentum falter.
And until then . . .
We have singing anthro ponies.